Lake Buffalo
Original site for Dam
The Lake lies at the foot of Mount Buffalo National Park with the rocky outcrops of the mountain clearly visible from the Lake.
Lake Buffalo is one of Goulburn-Murray Water's 16 water storages scattered across a region in North-eastern Victoria, the size of Tasmania.
Lake Buffalo was completed in 1965. It features a 33m high and 635m long earth and rock-fill embankment, with a gated primary spillway and outlet works within the dam wall. The Lake has a catchment area of 1,062 square km and a holds 23,504Ml of water.The Lake is located on the Buffalo River with other major tributaries including Catherine, Dandongadale and Rose Rivers along with the Yarrarabula Creek.The Lake initially supplied a thriving tobacco industry in the Ovens Valley but now supports an array of agricultural activities including traditional farming (e.g. dairy, cropping), nuts, berries, wine grapes and more recently green tea.
A popular place for water skiing, jet-skiing, boating, fishing and kayaking, Lake Buffalo offers an array of recreational opportunities and is a fantastic place for a picnic with family and friends.
Redfin, Macquarie and Golden Perch, Brown and Rainbow Trout, Murray Cod and River Blackfish can all be caught - if you’re lucky! Try using yabbies, worms and crickets as bait.