Past Events
Myrtleford Festival - March 2021

As well as the Old Cemetery Walk the Society also held the POW presentation.
Dedication of the Chinese Section of the Myrtleford Pioneer Cemetery
Old School roof and gutters replaced with new
Myrtleford POW Camp #5 PowerPoint presentations -

A feature event celebrating the existence of Myrtleford Italian POW No. 5 acknowledged the district's role in accommodating up to 1,000 Italian prisoners from 1942-46. Some 500 visitors enjoyed the presentation.
The Ossario at Murchison now houses all Italian POWs and internees who died in Australia during World War 2.
The Ossario at Murchison now houses all Italian POWs and internees who died in Australia during World War 2.
Veteran Car Club Visit -

A regional veteran car club paid a visit to the Old School Museum.
A magnificent display attracted many local visitors.
"Linga Longer" and other interested groups

Regular group visits arrive by coach to enjoy the Museum displays.
This group, who participated in a class-room re-enactment, hailed from Yarrawonga and now visit regularly.
Bonegilla Migrant Hostel

As part of the migrant story associated with the development of the tobacco growing industry, the Museum collects and houses photographs and stories of the history of migration to the district.
La Fiera Festival 2024

Myrtleford & District Historical Society Inc. prepares special exhibitions, in its Museum for each Festival.
Local Agricultural Shows

The Museums, on request, provides photographic exhibitions.
Caravan & Camping Clubs
On request we accommodate special visits to the Museum
On request we accommodate special visits to the Museum
Visit of Weston Creek Garden Club
Sunday, November 3rd, 3013
35 members of this Canberra-based Club visited the Old School Museum, as part of its 4-day visit to the North-east.
Sunday, November 3rd, 3013
35 members of this Canberra-based Club visited the Old School Museum, as part of its 4-day visit to the North-east.
Historical Myrtleford and Mount Buffalo PowerPoint Presentation
93 slides highlighting features within the Myrtleford and Mt Buffalo region
PowerPoint Presentation - La Fiera Festival 2014 - Italians, Tobacco and Timber
111 slides illustrating the roles that Italian immigrants and their offspring had/have in Myrtleford and District
PowerPoint Presentation - J.D. "Danny" Greer - 8th Btn.
Letters from WW2 to home.
Born 1909 Alphington Vic., resided Whourouly South; Died 1941 Greece.
Produced in 2014.
114 slides
PowerPoint Presentation - A.D. "Alby" Lowerson V.C. 21st Btn
Born 1896; Died 1945
Won his Victoria Cross on the 1st September 1918, at St Quentin, France.
31 Slides
PowerPoint Presentation - La Fiera Festival 2015 - Hops
50 Slides
In 2018 the Myrtleford & District Historical Society Inc. prepared and presented 2 courses for the University of the Third Age (U3A).
Both Courses are composed of 3 PowerPoint presentations with 1 Field Trip, entitled "The Past and Us" and ran over a 4-week period, approximately 90 minutes per period.
U3A1-1 is entitled 'Early Days - 1837-1900' and is composed of 61 slides.
U3A1-2 is entitled 'A New Century - 1900-1939' and is composed of 73 slides.
U3A1-3 is entitled 'Looking Back - The Century That Was' and is composed of 65 slides.
U3A1-4 involved a walking tour of Myrtleford township, highlighting places and events of historical significance
U3A2-1 is entitled 'Return to the Thirties' and is composed of 68 slides.
U3A2-2 is entitled 'World War 2' and is composed of 61 slides. An abridged version of the Myrtleford #5 POW Camp PowerPoint package is added to this presentation.
U3A2-3 is entitled 'Forging A New Way Ahead - 1946-1960' and is composed of 110 slides.
U3A2-4 involves a walking tour of the Myrtleford Pioneer Cemetery, highlighting families of historical significance to the District.

On Friday 21st December 2018 members of the Myrtleford & District Historical Society, and five ex-students from the time of closure, gathered to acknowledge the 80th anniversary of the closure of Myrtleford State School 955 in Elgin Street. Today, it is the home of the Society’s Old School Museum, which has just concluded 30 years on the site.

During a week of “Back To Myrtleford” celebrations in December, 1938 old pupils and teachers bade farewell to the old school on December 29. The long-awaited relocation of schooling to O’Donnell Avenue, after six years of agitation, was about to occur with an official opening in April, 1939. The Myrtleford Times reported that at the farewell “all classrooms were full and a number of scholars had to watch proceedings from the corridor and windows”. Mr. A.J. Croucher was the oldest “boy” present and Miss Cundy was the oldest “girl”.

In a “Back To” wrap-up on Wednesday, January 11, 1939 a Myrtleford Times reporter noted that since late December “the weather remained hot and the country around parched for want of water, the continuing smoke haze creating some annoyance”. Within two days it would be “Black Friday 1939” and Victoria (including the north-east) would be ablaze.